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get your skatepark approved!


While some communities are forward-thinking enough to include skateparks in their master plans, other cities are apathetic or resistant to building a skatepark.  Negative attitudes about skateboarders and skateparks have unfairly existed ever since skateboarders started shredding.  Large scale skatepark projects in major cities have been shut down by protests by neighborhood groups and nay votes by city councils.


The good news is that there is a wealth of great resources and studies showing the power of skateparks to improve youth outcomes, fight obesity and reduce criminal activity.  


The experts at Skatepark Workshop have fought this fight from every angle - as community advocates pushing for a local park, as designers presenting to critical planning boards and city officials ganering internal support for an outlier project.  We can arm you with the best evidence for the benefits of public skateparks and effective counters to false negative stereotypes.


Going beyond white papers and studies, we can help you plan and mobilize an effective campaign to publicize your project and get support.  There are proven methods to build the critical mass of energy needed for a community project to happen.  We have been there and done it in communities across the United States - leveraging the dollars and volunteer hours of grassroots groups to win funding and land from municipalities.



Does your city or town have a Master Plan for their parks system?  Does it have a skatepark in it?  If not, how can you get one approved?


Many advocates underestimate the importance of the municipal Master Plan in setting priorities for funding and land allocation.


Skatepark Workshop helps you get the information you need and a strategy to move forward.  



Does your skatepark project have a Facebook page?  If so, how often is your feed updated with statuses, photos & news?  Are you actively marketing the page?  Is the page updated with new goals, totals and milestones?


Social media has incredible power to kickstart your project, but it requires constant effort and in-depth engagement.  Our experts can help set-up and run a successful Facebook, Instagram & other social media channels.



A new skatepark is an exciting prospect for a community.  With the right targeted partnerships and strategic events, supporters and companies will come out of the woodwork to move a skatepark forward.


We help you reach out to every corner of your town.  Helping you target the right supporters, coordinating campaigns and giving you the right process to win in-kind discounts, donations and project promotion.

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